HERE>> is a letter from Rev. Bart Day, President and CEO of The Lutheran Church Extension Fund, describing the impact of the Coronavirus situation on the ministry of the LCEF. HIghlights include:
- Deferral of $5.47 million in loan payments to borrowers
- $25,000 to Concordia University Wisdconsin's 3D printing lab for production of personal protective equipment
- More than $60,000 in LCEF gift cards to food pantries and families in need
- More than $1 million donated to help LCMS church workers with unmet financial needs
- Capital-to-asset ration reached 12% (the goal)
- Achieved $2 billion in total assets
- Goals for 2020-2021
- Cultivate partnerships in ministry
- Stewardt the gifts
- Grow ministry opportunities
Christ the King Lutheran Church received an LCEF mortgage at the beginning of our ministry; and continues to support other Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregations through our current investments in the LCEF.
For information on investing in ministries of the LCMS through the Lutheran Church Extension Fund, click HERE>>